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Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
JoinedPosts by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Counter-Watchtower PDF Magazine "A Study Through The Watchtower" Final Version
by Counter-Watchtower in
if you like it print and give to a jehovah's witness..
Blood Transfusion & Loss of Salvation?
by Counter-Watchtower inin my reading on this site ive read ppl in org were afraid of losing salvation if they had a blood transfusion.
like its the unpardonable sin or something (of course it is not, the bible never says not to have a blood transfusion).
ive read all i could find on but nothing about what would happen if you had one.
An organization to dispense spiritual food?!
by venus inseeing the existence of an organization of god (appointed to dispense spiritual food at the proper time) in the parable of mathew 24:45-51 is like trying to discern who the good samaritan is!
parable of good samaritan is all about how to be loving toward our neighbors whereas parable of mathew 24:45-51 is all about alertness as bringing good returns and carelessness as bringing bitter returns [which means everyone should learn from experience].
god’s ways are not like the ways of humans (unlike humans who responds to honor and dishonor, god is least bothered when he is honored or dishonored by humans).
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@WTWizard You know your "spiritual food" is garbage when not even the malnourished kid in @venus' comment wants to go near it.
Jehovah is Satan
by ini found a very convincing youtube video showing that jehovah of the old testament is satan and the god of the new testament is god the father..
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Me going back and forth between's videos and @David_Jay's comments:
@David_Jay I don't have a horse in the race when it comes to theism and the lesson's taught in the Bible. But seriously, I do enjoy the different takes on the scriptures that sometimes pop up in Youtube videos, and even your own comments have been really informative. I appreciate you taking the time out to explain some of Judaism for us on here. I'm fascinated by the insights you've shared in your comments. Thank you.
THIS Is How JWs Feel About The Cut In Magazines And Content
by pale.emperor ini asked the question on quora "how do jehovah's witnesses feel about the announcement that the public edition of the watchtower and awake!
magazine is being reduced to just 3 issues a year and the number of books, tracts, and online content are being discontinued?".
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@pale.emperor Sheryl Taylor's comment: "...Interesting that you have a letter from the Governing Body. Because you are not active as a Jehovah’s Witness. You obviously have friends that have access."
Yes, it's so interesting that an inactive Witness can still be friends with active Jehovah's Witnesses. I'm glad those asshats, Rodney Spinks and Terrence O'Brien, were unable to fool the Royal Commission when they tried to assert that inactive Witnesses maintain their social structure and network within the organization.
by The Fall Guy ini have a tattoo of an envelope about half-way up the front of my leg.
it means i've got a knee mail to look at each day.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Overheard at Bethel present day: "You're all fired. Pack your sh*t up and leave. Contribution boxes are located at the exit. If you're out of cash, we'll be accepting the clothes off of your backs, and whatever's left of your self respect."
So there are only 12 magazines left!
by stuckinarut2 inok, so hot on the heels of the announcement at the agm, we have been told that there are probably only 12 magazines left!.
yes, there will be only 3 wt each year, and 3 awakes.... and that they will do this for two years, then reprint those issues.... so yes, the "abundance of spiritual food" is limited to 12 more magazines..... surely, this is proof of the end coming so soon!?!
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@ttdtt Not even. No online magazine to substitute the void of printing. What you see in print for the Watchtower and Awake! magazines is all that is to be available as digital magazines.
Jehovah is Satan
by ini found a very convincing youtube video showing that jehovah of the old testament is satan and the god of the new testament is god the father..
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho Not a waste of time! That contradiction is explained in the overall gist of this Youtuber's videos. If I understand properly, as per the Bible's mandate, whomever you bow a knee to, you become a slave to. Adam and Eve bowed their knee to sin, therefore become slaves to Satan. Satan therefore ascended to position of "ruler of the world". His priority - even above killing - is FIRST to receive praise and worship (hence why he had the audacity to tempt Jesus into doing an act of worship to him). To achieve this goal from the devout ancient Israelites, he would masquerade as an "angel of light". Since demons are thought to be able to prophesy and verify otherworldly things accurately, Satan, the "father of the lie" would sociopathically demonstrate how to put forth the ultimate lie: conceal it in layers of truth. For example, your main purpose may be to lie about your whereabouts, but the more you embellish your lie with kernels of truth and factual information, the false notion you are trying to push seems far more plausible. The apparent disdain for sin "YHWH" had, the protection of his "chosen people", etc, were all part of Satan's way to get the then existing humans to continue honoring him with praise, glory and adulation. It's a win-win for Satan because while he has these superstitious muppets glorifying him, he gets to execute other human beings with fire from heaven, the death of firstborns, pregnant women having their wombs ripped open, mass genocide including babies, plagues of dead stinking frogs, a global flood that drowned every living creature aside from the eight dunces who thought they were being led by the genuine God, et cetera.
So there are only 12 magazines left!
by stuckinarut2 inok, so hot on the heels of the announcement at the agm, we have been told that there are probably only 12 magazines left!.
yes, there will be only 3 wt each year, and 3 awakes.... and that they will do this for two years, then reprint those issues.... so yes, the "abundance of spiritual food" is limited to 12 more magazines..... surely, this is proof of the end coming so soon!?!
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Memo from the GB to Writing Dept:
You're all fired. We've replaced you with two new guys. Their names are Copy and Paste.
"So that's that." -Anthony Morris III
Jehovah is Satan
by ini found a very convincing youtube video showing that jehovah of the old testament is satan and the god of the new testament is god the father..
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho Just watched the second vid. I have to say... the entire Bible narrative makes so much more sense if the Old Testament God was actually Satan playing shenanigans on all the old-time prophets, etc. Gosh, this guy might be onto something... *quietly starts Googling how to become Born Again*